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As of 12 September 2013
Bard Electrophysiology

Friday, 4 October 2013 (18:00 - 20:00, Room S421)
[120] Bard Symposium - The BARD Unknown EP Tracing Course (with light food)

Chairperson: Eric Prystowsky (USA)
Panelists: Jonathan Kalman (Australia), George Klein (Canada), Chu-Pak Lau (Hong Kong), Hui-Nam Pak (Korea)

Biosense Webster

Wednesday, 2 October 2013 (13:00 - 18:00, Room S224-S225)
Carto Club

Chairpersons: Hui-Nam Park (Korea), David Burkhardt (USA)

  1. Strategies of Ablation Therapy for Scar-Related Ventricular Tachycardia
    Akihiko Nogami (Japan)
  2. Role of Unipolar Mapping in Ablation of Ventricular Outflow Tract Tachyrhythmias
    Xing-Peng Liu (China)
  3. Left Ventricular Summit PVC
    Joseph YS Chan (Hong Kong)
  4. Case Review on Non Ischemic His Purkinje VT with Carto 3 Mapping System
    Ki-Byung Nam (Korea)
  5. Application of Signal Analysis in the Catheter Ablation of Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy
    Yenn-Jiang Lin (Taiwan)
  6. Mapping & Ablation Non-Cardiomyopathy VT
    Hygriv Rao (India)

Chairpersons: Chang-Sheng Ma (China), Yen-Bin Liu (Taiwan)

  1. High Efficacy of Contact Force-Monitoring Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation: Comparison of Contact Force-Blinded and -Guided PV Isolation
    Ken Okumura (Japan)
  2. Voltage Mapping of Left Atrium and a Novel Approach of Individualized Substrate Modification for the Treatment of Long-Standing Persistent Atrial Fibrillation
    Xin-Hua Wang (China)
  3. AF with Smart Touch
    Sofian Johar (Brunei)
  4. Multi-Focal AT Cases with C3 Case
    Hyoung-Seob Park (Korea)
  5. Ablation of Atypical Atrial Flutter in a Patient with Rheumatic Heart Disease
    Jian-Juin Chen (Taiwan)
  6. Clinical Applications of MEM
    Ivan Ho (USA)
  7. PV Isolation with Continuous Linear Line Ablation of Roof and Ridge
    Tae-Joon Cha (Korea)

Thursday, 3 October 2013 (12:20 - 13:50, Hall 5G, Room B)
[028] Luncheon Symposium - Smart Touch

Chairpersons: Kyoko Soejima (Japan), Shu Zhang (China)

  1. Strategies of Ablation Therapy for Scar-Related Ventricular Tachycardia
    Akihiko Nogami (Japan)
  2. Presentation 2
    Feifan Ouyang (Germany)

Thursday, 3 October 2013 (13:50 - 15:30, Room S421)
[033] Live Transmission

More details to be announced


Saturday, 5 October 2013 (10:40 - 12:20, Hall 5G, Room C)
[133] Home Monitoring of Cardiac Devices: Curse or Cure? - A Review of Practical Issues When Integrating Remote Monitoring into Daily Clinical Practice

Chairpersons: Niraj Varma (USA), Shu Zhang (China)

  1. The Importance of Remote Monitoring and the Implication of Trial Results on Daily Clinical Application
    Niraj Verma (USA)
  2. How to Overcome Challenges for Integrating Home Monitoring into Clinical Practice
    Vince Paul (Australia)
  3. Evaluation of an Appropriate BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring® Clinical Workflow – A Real Life Example
    Ke-Ping Chen (China)
  4. Outpatient Clinic Improvement with BIOTRONIK Home Monitoring® and Results of the J-Home ICD Study
    Eiichi Watanabe (Japan)
Joint Sponsorship by BMS/Pfizer

Friday, 4 October 2013 (12:20 - 13:50, Hall 5G, Room A)
[086] Luncheon Symposium - Dawn a New Era of Oral Anticoagulation in Asia

Chairpersons: Hung-Fat Tse (Hong Kong), Shinya Goto (Japan)

  1. Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation: Where are We now?
    Gregory Lip (UK)
  2. Apixaban for Stroke Prevention: Lessons from ARISTOTLE and AVERROES
    Shinya Goto (Japan)
  3. The Selection of Oral Anti Anticoagulant: A Challenge in Clinical Practice
    Michael Ezekowitz (USA)
Boehringer Ingelheim

Saturday, 5 October 2013 (12:20 - 13:50, Room S421)
[147] Luncheon Symposium - New Oral Anticoagulants for Stroke Prevention in Asia: Where are We Now?

  1. Current Status of Stroke Prevention in Asia
    To be announced
  2. New Insights from Clinical Evidence and Real World Experience
    Paul Dorian (Canada)
  3. Resolving Controversies and Maximizing Benefits of NOACs
    Raymond Wong (Hong Kong)

Sunday, 6 October 2013 (12:20 - 13:50, Room S421)
[188] Luncheon Symposium - Prevention of Stroke in AF Patients in Asia

  1. Anticoagulants and Atrial Fibrillation: Clinical Guidelines and Real World Experience
    David CW Siu (Hong Kong)
  2. Maximizing the Benefits of NOACs for Stroke Prevention in AF Patients
    Gregory Lip (UK)
Boston Scientific

Friday, 4 October 2013 (12:20 - 13:50, Hall 5G, Room B)
[087] Luncheon Symposium: The Subcutaneous ICD: Protection from SCA without Touching the Heart

Chairperson: Martin Stiles (New Zealand)
Panelists: Hung-Fat Tse (Hong Kong), Kazuo Matsumoto (Japan), Shu Zhang (China)

  1. The S-ICD® System: Technical Overview and Implant Experience
    Bradley Knight (USA)
  2. Evolution of the S-ICD® Sytem: What we've learned through Clinical Data
    Michael Gold (USA)
  3. Past, Present and Future of the S-ICD® in Clinical Practice
    Andrew Grace (UK)

Friday, 4 October 2013 (16:00 - 17:40, Room S421)
[105] Boston Scientific Live Transmission / Watchman Session

Chairperson: Margaret Hood (New Zealand)
Panelists: Andrew Grace (UK), Wee-Siong Teo (Singapore), Razali Omar (Malaysia), Hung-Fat Tse (Hong Kong), Prashanthan Sanders (Australia)

  1. S-ICD Live Transmission
    Details to be announced

Panelists: Andrew Grace (UK), Takashi Nitta (Japan), Wee-Siong Teo (Singapore), Hung-Fat Tse (Hong Kong), Prashanthan Sanders (Australia)

  1. 2. Watchman Video Case Presentation
    Razali Omar (Malaysia)

Saturday, 5 October 2013 (12:20 - 13:50, Hall 5G, Room B)
[145] Luncheon Symposium - The New Gold Standard in Mapping and Navigation Technology

Chairperson: Young-Hoon Kim (Korea)
Panelists: Yoshito Iesaka (Japan), Chang-Sheng Ma (China), Shu-Lin Wu (China)

  1. Rhythmia™ - Next Generation 3D Electroanotomical Mapping System
    Hiroshi Nakagwa (USA)
  2. Intellatip MiFi™ XP -Unparalleled Local Electrical Clarity in Real Time Ablation
    Prashanthan Sanders (Australia)

Wednesday, 2 October 2013 (08:30 - 12:00, Room S421)
Lead Management Summit

Moderators: Jin-Long Huang (Taiwan), Chi-Wo Chan (Hong Kong)

  1. History of Lead Design
    Erick Cuvillier
  2. Best Practices in Utilizing Device Diagnostics for Lead Management
    David Benditt (USA)
  3. Factors to Consider when Selecting an ICD Lead
    Laurence M. Epstein (USA)
  4. Future Considerations in Lead Development
    Jennifer Miller (USA)
  5. Build a Lead Workshop (Room S222-S223)
    Erick Cuvillier

Wednesday, 2 October 2013 (13:50 - 17:40, Room S421)
Asia Pacific CRT Experts Summit

Chairpersons: Katherine Fan (Hong Kong), De-Jia Huang (China), Razali Omar (Malaysia), Amit Vora (India)
Session Moderators: Joseph Morton (Australia), Chun-Chieh Wang (Taiwan)

  1. The New Paradigm in CRT Pacing - AdaptivCRT
    Ivan Ho (USA)
  2. Initial experience of Left Univentricular Pacing Realize Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy by Rate Adaptive Atrio- Ventricular Delay
    Li-Jin Pu
  3. Transforming CRT Implantation with the latest LV Lead Technology - Attain Performa
    David Benditt (USA)
  4. Active Fixation Leads: Options in Challenging Coronary Sinus Lead Implantation
    Azlan Hussin (Malaysia)
  5. ShockLESS Study
    Blair Singh (India)

Session Moderators: Sirin Apiyasawat (Thailand), Wei Hua (China), Aasit Shah

  1. Breaking News: CRT Technology from Medtronic
    David Steinhaus
    Maurizio Gasparini (Italy)
  3. Details to be announced
    Kuo-Hung Lin (Taiwan)
  4. CRT Data from Panorama Study in India
    Ajay Naik (India)
  5. Nippon Storm Syudy
    Tahashi Noda

Session Moderators: Kee-Joon Choi (Korea), Takanori Ikeda (Japan), Manojkumar Rohit (India)

  1. The Application of Acoustic Cardiography in CRT Optimization
    Ying Zhou
  2. Early Diagnosis of Worsening Heart Failure through Remote Monitoring and OptiVolTM
    Seiichiro Matsuo
  3. Details to be announced
    Bradley Wilsmore

Thursday, 3 October 2013 (12:20 - 13:50, Hall 5G, Room A)
[027] Luncheon Symposia - Advances in Post-Implant Patient Management

Chairpersons: Anoop Kumar Gupta (India), Hiroshi Tada (Japan)

  1. Staying Connected to Your Patients
    David Hayes (USA)
  2. Programming CRT to Maximize Pacing
    Kathy Lee (Hong Kong)
  3. The Need for MRI Safe Devices
    To be announced

Thursday, 3 October 2013 (17:00 - 18:00, Hall 5G)
[056] Cocktail Symposia - Zoom in on New Ablation Technology and Approaches

Chairpersons: Shu Zhang (China), Mark McGuire (Australia)

  1. Speeding up the Cryoballoon Learning Curve: Lessons from an Expert Arctic Front Ablationist
    Bradley Knight (USA)
  2. How to Reduce the Recurrence Rate of Cryoablation in AVNRT?
    Ngai-Yin Chan (Hong Kong)

Friday, 4 October 2013 (08:30 - 10:10, Room 427)
[066] Emerging Leaders

Panelists: Chu-Pak Lau (Hong Kong), Young-Hoon Kim (Korea), Mohan Nair (India)

Friday, 4 October 2013 (10:40 - 12:20, Room 427)
[080] Learn from Expert: Case Based ECG Tutorial

Chairperson: Geoge Klein (Canada)

  1. Topic 1
    Wee-Siong Teo (Singapore)
  2. Topic 2
    Jonathan Kalman (Australia)
  3. Topic 3
    Calambur Narasimhan (India)

Friday, 4 October 2013 (13:50 - 15:30, Room S421)
[092] Medtronic Live Transmission - AF Cryoballoon

Moderators: Shao-Wen Liu (China), Vivek Reddy (USA)

Saturday, 5 October 2013 (12:20 - 13:50, Hall 5G, Room A)
[144] Luncheon Symposium: New Technologies and Approaches in Arrhythmia Management

Chairpersons: Yuet-Sun Chan (Hong Kong), Imran Zainal Abidin (Malaysia)

  1. Maximising Benefit of CRT with LV Only Pacing
    Chu-Pak Lau (Hong Kong)
  2. The Future of Lead Technology
    Bruce Wilkoff (USA)
  3. Minimizing Shocks: Appropriate Device Selection and Programming
    Angelo Auricchio (Switzerland)

Saturday, 5 October 2013 (13:50 - 15:30, Hall 5G, Room A)
[156] First Asia Pacific Women in EP Forum

Chairperson: Kathy Lee (Hong Kong)
Panel Discussion Chairperson: Anne Gillis (Canada)

  1. The Opportunities and Challenges for Women in Electrophysiology
    Anne Gills (Canada)
  2. Details to be announced
    Kyoko Soejima (Japan)

Saturday, 5 October 2013 (16:00 - 17:40, Room 429)
[171] Sudden Cardiac Arrest Symposia

Chairpersons: Shu Zhang (China), Anil Saxena (India), Jiunn-Lee Lin (Taiwan)

  1. What's the real NNT for Primary Prevention ICD Therapy?
    David Cannom (USA)
  2. The Role of Ambulatory ECG Monitoring to Determine SCA Risk in Post-MI Patients (REFINE ICD)
    Bruce Wilkoff (USA)
  3. SCA Prevention in Asia Pacific - The 1.5 Prevention Experiences in China and India
    Calambur Narasimhan (India), De-Jia Huang (China)
St. Jude Medical

Wednesday, 2 October 2013 (09:00 - 15:00, Room 426)
APHRS Mini Course - Catheter Ablation Certificate Course for Physicians & Allied Health Professionals

  1. Wide Complex Tachycardia - Differential Diagnosis with Different Pacing Strategies
    Soot-Keng Ma (Malaysia)
  2. Non Fluoroscopic Approach Using Advanced Mapping Technique for SVT Ablation?
    Man-Chun Choi (Hong Kong)
  3. Tips & Tricks: Difficult SVT Ablation - Identifying the Abnormal Pathways
    Zahid Aslam (Pakistan)
  4. Atrial Tachycardia of Appendage Origin
    Yan Yao (China)
  5. Activation and Entrainment Mapping in Macroreentrant AT Ablation
    You-Kun Lin (Taiwan)
  6. Do We Need 3D Mapping for Focal AT Ablation? ECG Algorithm Guided Ablation of AT
    Pipin Kojodjojo (Singapore)
  7. Transseptal Puncture for AF Ablation - Procedure Steps Tips & Tricks
    Chi-Keong Ching (Singapore)
  8. Tips & Tricks: Common Difficulties with PV Isolation Procedure & Understanding of PV Potentials
    Yang-Jiang Chen (China)
  9. Precise Localization of Outflow Tracts Anatomy based on ECG in PVC & VT OT Ablation
    Jae-Min Shim (Korea)
  10. Substrate Mapping Alone Enough for Ischemic ventricular Tachycardia? Significance of Potentials in VT - Systolic Potential, Late Potential, Purkinje Potential…
    Details to be annpounced

Wednesday, 2 October 2013 (10:00 - 15:00, Room 427)
AF Mini Course

  1. Enhanced End Point of Pulmonary Vein Isolation
    Jiang-Chen Yang (China)
  2. PV Atrium Isolation Guided by Afocus II Catheter and ICE in AF Ablation
    Chi-Keong Ching (Singapore)
  3. Advanced Ablation & Navigation in the Left Atrium
    Eiwa Zen (Japan)
  4. VT Scar Mapping
    Yenn-Jiang Lin (Taiwan)
  5. St Jude Medical Total Arrhythmia Solution
    Kent Kyllo (USA)
  6. 3D EP Minimal Radiation Fluoro
    Yan Yao (China)
  7. Mapping and Ablation for Symptomatic but Non Sustained AT in Post AF Ablation Patients
    Xue (China)
  8. Different Ablation Strategies for Patients with Persistent AF
    Ming-Long Chen (China)
  9. Advanced Navigation in the EP Lab: Mediguide
    Gerhard Hindricks (Germany)
  10. Non Contact Mapping - In-depth Look into PACE Mapping
    Details to be announced

Wednesday, 2 October 2013 (09:00 - 15:00, Room S226)
Heart Failure Summit Meeting

  1. High Voltage Lead Performance - A Clinical Overview
    Bruce Wilkoff (USA)
  2. Veterans Administration Experience
    Edmund Keung (USA)
  3. St Jude Medical HV Design and Performance
    Avi Fischer (USA)
  4. CRT State of Play - Clinical Challenges
    Karlheinz Seidl (Germany)
  5. CRT Non Responders - Current State of Play
    Bernard Thibault (Canada)
  6. Optimal Techniques and Technologies to Improve CRT Efficacy
    David O'Donnell (Australia)
  7. Quadra Clinical Overview
    Paul Ryu (USA)
  8. Multi Site Pacing - Future Applications
    Giovanni Forleo (Italy)
  9. CRT Future Technology (Quadra MPP)
    Hung-Fat Tse (Hong Kong)

Wednesday, 2 October 2013 (10:00 - 15:00, Room S227)
CRM Mini Course

  1. Utilizing Pacemaker ECGS for Trouble Shooting
    Ajit Thachil (India)
  2. Pacemaker Case - Device Issues or Normal PMT / PVC Respon
    Steve Lai (Hong Kong)
  3. Pacemaker Case - What AT / AF Diagnostics Tell Us
    Jin-Bae Kim (Korea)
  4. Pacemaker Case - Management of Accelerated Functional Rhythms with AF Suppression Algorithm
    Haruhiko Abe (Japan)
  5. Leadless Pacemakers – Clinical Experience
    Johannes Sperzel (Germany)
  6. ICD Case - Sensing Issues, How to Solve the Problem
    Chin-Pang Chan (Hong Kong)
  7. ICD Case - Algorithms to Reduce Inappropriate Therapies
    Avi Fiischer
  8. CRT-D Case - CRT Optimisation
    Pipin Kjodjojo (Singapore)
  9. CRT-D Case - The Non-Responder, Potential Options (BiV vs Quad)
    Karlheinz Seidl (Germany)
  10. Quadrapole Technology, Current and Future Applications
    Pipin Kjodjojo (Singapore)

Thursday, 3 October 2013 (12:20 - 13:50, Hall 5G, Room C)
[029] Luncheon symposium - Heart Failure Management

  1. New Technologies to Improve CRT Outcomes
    Karlheinz Seidl (Germany)
  2. CRT MultiPoint Pacing - Managing the Non-Responder?
    Luca Santini (Italy)
  3. Remote Disease Management for the Heart Failure Patient
    Katherine Fan (Hong Kong)

Thursday, 3 October 2013 (16:00 - 17:40, Room S421)
[046] St. Jude Medical Live Transmission

  1. Renal Denervation
    Chairperson: S Worthley (Australia)
  2. Complex Arrhythmia management (VT Ablation)
    Chairpersons: Shih-Ann Chen (Taiwan), Young-Hoon Kim (Korea)

Friday, 4 October 2013 (12:20 - 13:50, Hall 5G, Room C)
[088] Luncheon Symposium - AF & VT Ablation Technologies

  1. Advanced Ablation Technologies for Improved Clinical Outcomes
    Wing-Hong Fung (Hong Kong)
  2. Strategy for Complex Arrhythmia Ablation (AF & VT)
    Yan Yao (China)
  3. Future Imaging Technologies (MediGuide)
    Gerhard Hindricks (Germany)

Friday, 4 October 2013 (18:00 - 19:30, Room 424)
CRM Congress Scientific Sessions - China Heart Failure Forum (by invitation)

  1. Present & Future: Device-based therapy for HF in China
    Wei Hua (China)
  2. Expansion of CRT Therapy to Patients with Pacing Indications
    Wei Xu (China)
  3. CRT & Ablation Therapies in HF Patients with AF
    Ji Yan (China)
  4. Clinical Evidence for Basal Pacing in Left Ventricle
    Liang-Rong Zheng (China)

Saturday, 5 October 2013 (12:20 - 13:50, Hall 5G, Room C)
[146] Luncheon Symposium - Cardiac Pacing / Future Technologies

  1. New Pacemaker Diagnostics to Improve Clinical Outcomes
    Ashish Nabar (India)
  2. MRI Conditional Pacemakers - Standard of Care?
    Chee-Wan Lee (Singapore)
  3. Leadless Pacemakers - The Future Today
    Johannes Sperzel (Germany)

* To be confirmed