Scientific Program - Certificate Course in Cardiac Rhythm Management for Clinicians & Allied Professionals (CRM Course) |
Course Objectives:
- Comprehensive teaching of basic concepts essential to electrophysiology and cardiac rhythm device management
- Clinical practice topics that applied the basic concepts to everyday practice and patient management
- The program will help clinicians prepare for examinations in electrophysiology and device management
Course Co-Directors: Christine Chiu-Man (Canada), Yoshinori Kobayashi (Japan), Kathy LF Lee (Hong Kong)
Thursday, 3 October 2013
08:30 - 10:10, Room S221
Introduction to Cellular Electrophysiology
Chairpersons: Kathy Lee (Hong Kong), Christine Chiu-Man (Canada)
- Effects of Ion Channels on Electrocardiographic Findings (30 min)
Gil Gross (Canada)
- Arrhythmogenesis: Reentry, Automaticity and Triggered Activity (30min)
Peng-Sheng Chen (USA)
- Workshop: Early repolarization - Is it good or bad? (30 min)
Mohit Singla (India)
10:40 - 12:20, Room S221
EP Studies: Anatomy, EGM Interpretation, Stimulation Protocols
Chairpersons: Craig Swygman (USA), Steve Lai (Hong Kong)
- Cardiac anatomy and fluoroscopic imaging in EP
Craig Swygman (USA)
- Fundamentals of EGM Interpretation and Rhythm Analysis
Chang-Hee Lee (Korea)
- Basic Stimulation Protocols and Electrophysiologic Evaluation
Ricardo Bernardo (Portugal)
- Principles of Entrainment (30min)
Hans Henrik Odland (Norway)
13:50 - 15:30, Room S221
Basics of Cardiac Pacing
Chairpersons: Dulce Obias-Manno (USA), Wai-Sum Luk (Hong Kong)
- Electrical Concepts in Pacing: Ohms Law, threshold, sensing, polarity
Susan Song (USA)
- Basics of Pacemaker Timing Cycles: From VVI to DDDR
Christine Chiu-Man (Canada)
- Hemodynamics of Cardiac Pacing
Carsten Israel (Germany)
16:00 - 17:40, Room S221
Basics of Cardiac Defibrillation & Resynchronization
Chairpersons: Susan Song (USA), Wai-Sum Luk (Hong Kong)
- Myocardial Remodeling and Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
Carsten Israel (Germany)
- Principles of ICD Sensing and Detection of VF / VT
Ji-Hae Yun (Korea)
- Defibrillation Concepts and Determinants of Shock Success
Saeed Hosseini (Canada)
- CRT Optimization Strategies
Marleen Irwin (Canada)
Friday, 4 October 2013
08:30 - 10:10, Room S221
ECG Interpretation
Chairpersons: Ji-Hae Yun (Korea), June Huh (Korea)
- Systematic Approach to Arrhythmia Recognition
Stephen S.K. Huang (USA)
- ECG Features in ARVC, Long QT, J wave and Brugada Syndromes
Tohru Ohe (Japan)
- Systematic Approach to Pacemaker /CRT ECG Troubleshooting
Michael Wan (Australia)
10:40 - 12:20, Room S221
Basic Course Quiz
Chairpersons: Kathy Lee (Hong Kong), Yoshinori Kobayashi (Japan), Christine Chiu-Man (Canada)
Question slides with answer discussions for the audience. This will serve as review of topics covered in the Basic Course day.
13:50 - 15:30, Room S221
SVT Tutorial
Chairs: Yui-Chi So (Hong Kong), Christine Chiu-Man (Canada)
- AV nodal and Pathway mediated SVT: Substrate, Mechanism and Diagnostic Criteria
Chun-Ja Yoo (Korea)
- Pacing Techniques in SVT Differentiation in the EP Lab
Kyoto Soejima (Japan)
- Workshop: Troubleshooting Difficult Cases of SVT
Kyoto Soejima (Japan)
13:50 - 15:30, Room S221
VT Tutorial
Chairpersons: Chang-Hee Lee (Korea), Khalid Dagriri (Saudi Arabia)
- VT: ECG-Anatomic Correlation
Ahmed Al-Fagih (Saudi Arabia)
- VT in Structural Heart Disease: Substrate and Catheter Ablation
Yoshinori Kobayashi (Japan)
- Cases Workshop: Difficult VT
Amitabh Yaduvshi (India)
Saturday, 5 October 2013
08:30 - 10:10, Room S221
Cardiac Imaging and Catheter Ablation in EP
Chairpersons: Kam-Wai Lai (Hong Kong), Philip Chang (USA)
- Essentials of CT, Cardiac MRI, 3D-RA and ICE Techniques in EP
Akiko Ueda (Japan)
- 3D mapping: Principles, tips and tricks
Luc Soucie (Canada)
- Biophysics of Ablation Lesions
Seller Neil (Saudi Arabia)
- Emerging Technologies in AF ablation
Werner Jung (Germany)
10:40 - 12:20, Room S221
Advanced Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
Chairpersons: JungWae Park (Korea), Neil Seller (Saudi Arabia)
- CRT Implantation Techniques: Tips and Tricks to Improve Successful Implant
Kheng-Siang Ng (Singapore)
- CRT Follow-Up Complications and Management
Elizabeth Stephenson (Canada)
- Workshop: Case-Based Approach to CRT Troubleshooting
Luigi Padeletti (Italy)
13:50 - 15:30, Room S221
Advanced ICD
Chairpersons: Chun-Ja Yoo (Korea), Kam-Wai Lai (Hong Kong)
- VT/VF: Advances in programming ICDs to reduce shocks
Jason Wildschut (Canada)
- ICD Lead Technology in Lead Advisories/Recalls
David Hayes (USA)
- Subcutaneous ICD (S-ICD): Exploring Benefits and Limitations
Michael Gold (USA)
- Workshop: Case-Based Approach to ICD Troubleshooting
Dulce Obias-Manno (USA)
16:00 - 17:40, Room S221
Advanced Pacemaker Programming
Chairpersons: Marleen Irwin (Canada), Ying-Keung Lo (Hong Kong)
- Special Features to Reduce Ventricular Pacing: Pitfalls and Pearls
Ta-Chuan Tuan (Taiwan)
- Advanced Programming Features: One Size Fits All?
Chun-Ja Yoo (Korea)
- Workshop: Case Studies of Complex Pacemaker Troubleshooting
Byron Lee (USA)
Sunday, 6 October 2013
08:30 - 10:10, Room S226-S227
Preventing Complications in EP and Device Therapy
Chairpersons: Hyun-Soo Lee (Korea), Ricardo Bernardo (Portugal)
- Recognition and Prevention of Complications in Ablation
Shih-Lin Chang (Taiwan)
- Device Infection Prevention: Risk Factors, Outcomes, Management Options
Charles Love (USA)
- Anticoagulation Pre and Post AF Ablation
Oussama Wazni (USA)
10:40 - 12:20, Room S226-S227
Atrial Fibrillation
Chair: Yi-Lan Kou (Taiwan)
- 3D mapping for AF Ablation
Massimo Moltrasio (Italy)
- Application in AF Ablation: Contact Force, Contact Sense
Atul Verma (Canada)
- Atrial Tachycardias During AF Ablation
Hyun-Soo Lee (Korea)
13:30 - 17:00, Room S223/S224/S228
Basics of 3D Mapping Systems Practice Workshop
Workstations of 3D mapping systems to permit hands on step by step guided practice.
Facilitator (manufacturer specialist for each system) is to review:
- Principles of operation
- Patient setup
- System navigation and procedure of creating geometry & activation / propagation map
- Review basics of 3D map interpretation.
- Systematic approach to troubleshoot problems.
Clinicians help to address clinical relevance and share clinical experience e.g. with troubleshooting.
13:30 - 17:00, Room S223/S224/S228
Basics of Device Programming Practice Workshop
Each major manufacturer (Medronic, St. Jude, Biotronik, Boston Scientific Guidant, Sorin) to provide programmer stations to permit hands on step by step guided practice and address audience questions.
At each station, Facilitator (manufacturer specialist for each device company) is to review:
- Basics of programmer interface, navigation.
- Review systematic approach to device follow up: interrogation, retrieval of diagnostic data, basics of interpretation, marker annotations.
- Review methods to perform stimulation and sensing thresholds testing.
- Review arrhythmia recognition and diagnosis during follow up assessment, eg. PMT.
- Systematic approach to troubleshoot problems.
Clinicians help to address clinical relevance and share clinical experience e.g. with troubleshooting.
* To be confirmed